HHD Catalog 2021
Iced Tea Dispensers
narrow tea DISPENSER
This 3.5 gallon Narrow Tea Dispenser is the perfect tool to deliver your cold beverages to customers. The handle in the back makes for easy lifting and also has a durable gasket. The TDN35 is easy to clean and maintain, making it the best choice for your dispenser needs.
Dimensions: 21 1/2”H x 5 3/4”W x 13 1/2”D
8” Cup Clearance
150 Liners/case
Ziplock Closure
Use in many InsulatedBeverage Containers
Back of TDN35
Shown with Label 8742-1
100% Recyclable
3 Gal S/S Round Tea Dispenser
Size: 19 3/8”H 9”D
5 Gal S/S Round Tea Dispenser
Cup Clearance: 7”
Size: 23 3/8”H 10 3/8”D
Cup Clearance: 7”
Only for use with urn liners
Custom marketing available for tea dispensers. We print everything for you. Call and ask us about branding your business today.
Phone: 800-443-4318 | www.HHDonl ine.com | info@HHDonl ine.com | Fax: 800-863-7041
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