HHD Catalog 2021
Antimicrobial Film
Antimicrobial Film
made with:
Powerful Antimicrobial Technology
Flat Surface
Product Description
Kleen-Slate is a protective barrier film coated with a copper/silver Zeolite Antimicrobial shown to significantly reduce microbe activity on the surface of the film. The barrier is intended for use on high touch surfaces like door push-plates, stair rails, and public transportation handholds, where people are most likely to come in contact with their environment. The active ingredient in Kleen-Slate is backed by the University-generated efficacy data
Product Features
• Verdegen’s antimicrobial film is coated with an antimicrobial that inhibits the growth and colonization of microorganisms on the surface of the film. • Laboratory testing shows a 90% reduction of microbes in 1 hour, 99% reduction of microbes in 2 hours, and 99.999% reduction in 24 hours.
How It Works
Verdegen’s antimicrobial film inhibits the growth and colonization of microorganisms on hard surfaces by adding a physical barrier infused with Agion® Antimicrobial that contains silver and copper molecules. The silver/copper ions act as ion exchangers, exchanging metal ions for other cations in the microbes that are deposited on the Kleen-Slate surface. Silver/copper ions are known to be highly effective against microbes, destroying them physically.
Safe @Work
Phone: 800-443-4318 | www.HHDonl ine.com | info@HHDonl ine.com | Fax: 800-863-7041
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